

btn Welcome to Mercadia

Mercadia is a land of lush forests and quaint villages, towering mountains and vast seas, deep caves and remote islands. Unfortunately, an evil force has spread over the land, threatening to take over the entire world! Someone needs to do something in order to save this beautiful land and its inhabitants.

btn Meet Tara


A young woman with the world on her shoulders, Tara has been called to put a stop to the evil force spreading across Mercadia. Though the odds may seem stacked against her, she's ready to rise to the challenge and cleanse Mercadia from the evil one. Armed with her faith and the support of her family and community, anything is possible!


btn Confront Enemies


Some Mercadians have fallen under the influence of the spreading evil. They will stop at nothing to put an end to Tara's quest, so she'll have to prepare to fight her way out of a tough spot if necessary.

btn Explore Vast Landscapes

Mercadia features a vast and diverse landscape consisting of deep caves, towering mountains, dense forests, and more! The evil force has caused the creatures that inhabit these landscapes to become aggressive, so Tara will need to tread cautiously.


btn Brave Harsh Climates

harsh climate

Some of the climates of Mercadia can be harsh and unforgiving. Tara will need to make sure she's prepared with the proper equipment to handle these climates, or her adventure might end sooner than she'd like.

btn Rely on Family and Friends

Tara will need to rely on the support of her family and community in order to succeed in her adventure. She hasn't spent much time away from home before, so she'll need to remember that while saving the world is important, so is checking in with family.


btn Get the Game

Orientalis will release in Spring 2025. Check back for more updates!

Copyright 2025 Caleb Stein